You are invited to submit information on events, programs, and meetings anytime for us to share on our website, in our weekly newsletter, on our social media, and on Sunday mornings as a part of worship.
Please use the following form to submit information for an upcoming event that you would like for us to advertise. The Communications Team will use the information you provide to ensure your event/announcement is promoted via the appropriate communication channels.
You will receive a "Success!" notification if your submission has gone through. If you do not receive this notification, please review the form and ensure you have completed all required fields (marked with an asterisk (*)).
All new announcement requests must be received at least ten (10) days prior to promotion via the selected communication channel.
NOTE: If your event is at Aldersgate UMC, you must first submit a Facility Use Request and receive confirmation from the Church Office that your request has been approved and that you are approved to use the desired room(s) at the church for your event.
If you have questions or require assistance, please contact us at