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Equipping People to be Disciples of Christ

Ministries/Strategies that teach and develop growth and responsibility for each person’s discipleship.

Ministry Areas

Children's Ministries

Providing Christian education, service opportunities, and fun events for children through 5th Grade

Student Ministries

We welcome and embrace all youth in 6th through 12th Grades

Confirmation Program

Confirmation Program (6th Grade and up)

Adult Opportunities

Small groups and classes for all adults

Prayer Team

Intercessory Prayer Group serving you and your loved ones quietly behind the scenes

Social Justice Team

Helping educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally

Creation Care Team

Finding ways to be good stewards of all of God's creation

To learn more about the Equip Ministries at Aldersgate UMC, please contact our Equip Team at

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