Woodlawn- Faith Food Distribution
Woodlawn-Faith UMC buys canned goods and produce from the Capital Area Food Bank, which the Food Bank delivers to St. John’s Baptist Church on Fordson Road. Produce comes in bulk and has to be bagged for distribution. Another person collects bread and pastry products from Costco and local grocery stores to be added to the boxes. Cars line up around the parking lot on a first-come/first-serve basis. Food boxes (canned goods, bread, and pastries) and bags (produce) are loaded into the cars as they drive by. The only record kept is on the number of people benefiting from the food. No other questions asked. Fresh produce is also donated to Mondloch House.
The upcoming dates and times are:
Friday, February 21st | 8:30am-12pm
Friday, March 21st | 8:30am-12pm
Come any time on these dates. No reservation or sign-up required! Drop by any time and stay for as long as you can! Students can earn community service hours.
For questions, please contact Karen Latta.